Not sure if you need to freshen your employee incentives program to increase productivity for 2014? With 61% of employed workers staying open to or looking for a new job1, employee satisfaction and fulfillment are keys to employee retention. The right employee incentives help hold on to your workers and they can also help increase productivity. The HR Writer offers their help in this area with their top 10 picks for “new perks to help maintain a high performance work environment.” Their number one pick includes handing out gift cards, at any time, and often – in gratitude for hard work.
Perks shouldn’t feel stale or expected; gift cards put the control in the hands of the recipient…the ultimate gift. And best of all, when companies purchase gift cards as employee incentives in bulk, they save.
Check out more great ideas and perfect your perks for the new year. Get the full list here >>
1. Source: Are You Monogamous? Exploring the new Job relationship Dynamic
Stacey Sicurella is a 15 year marketing veteran, working in the Boston area for GiftCard Partners. Recent accomplishments include blogging with abandon, acquiring work-life balance and building amazing sand-castles with her children.